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Our Services

Shipbroking Services:

Newbuilding Consulting & Contracting

Our newbuilding team has contracted over 500 ships in China, Japan and Korea. The team of experienced naval architects in Shanghai have a strong track record in China and provide valuable technical and commercial support throughout the newbuilding process.

Second-hand Sale and Purchasing

The S&P team has experience going back over four decades, with clients in every corner of the ship-owning world – both individuals and institutions. We have completed fleet sales for national-flag companies, distressed sales for banks and built fleets for clients as exclusive brokers and advisors.

Dry Cargo Chartering

Operating from our dry cargo chartering offices in London and Singapore, we focus on the minibulker, Handysize, and Supra/Ultramax sectors, dealing with both spot charter business and longer-term period. In addition to our competitive desks, we represent Owners/Charterers on an exclusive basis and have concluded deals in conjunction with our Sale and Purchase department. Our voyage specialists also represent exclusive and close clients. Finally, we are long standing panellists for the Baltic Exchange.

Research & Consulting Services:

Regular Publications

We publish regular market insights, including weekly and monthly reports focused primarily on the dry market, as well as quarterly reviews covering the core tanker, bulker, and container sectors.

Consultancy Projects and Bespoke Reports

Beyond our regular publications, we provide bespoke reports across the bulk carrier, tanker, and container sectors. Our support extends from consultancy projects to working with financial institutions, including M&A, IPO, and private equity deals.

Vessel Valuations

Our services include fleet and portfolio valuations for both owners and banks, covering the three main sectors of bulkers, tankers and containers.

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Hartland Shipping Services Ltd ©
Registered in England number 2587345

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