Team LondonSingaporeShanghaiLondon S&P / Projects Newbuilding Chris OhlsonManaging Directorchris.ohlson@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1610Mobile: +44 7901 711 540 Patrick HindsSale & Purchase Directorsnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1607Mobile: +44 7786 524 435 Julian RobinsonSale & Purchase Directorsnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1615Mobile: +44 7841 672 008 Gavin MorecroftSale & Purchasesnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1605Mobile: +44 7572 784 370 Jonathan WoodmanSale & PurchaseJonathan.Woodman@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 203 077 1603Mobile: +44 7920 413 526 James FraserSale & Purchasesnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1600Mobile: +44 7888 846019 Chartering Mark SteansDry Cargo Chartering Directorchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1620Mobile: +44 (0)7901 711 537 Ned ParkerDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1625Mobile: +44 (0)75 7278 4368 Martin BazleyDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1611Mobile: +44 (0)77 3312 2702 Jake BazleyDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1619Mobile: +44 (0)79 9007 1212 Rachel SeclunaDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1618Mobile: +44 (0)75 5796 2087 Chartering Operations Research and Consultancy Nigel PrentisDirector / Head of Consultancynigel.prentis@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1613Mobile: +44 7818 043 252 Morgane RosecShipping Consultancymorgane.rosec@hartlandshipping.comDirect: 020 3077 1623Mobile: +44 7527 278750 John LiddleShipping Consultancyjohn.liddle@hartlandshipping.comMobile: +44 7442 908096 Finance and admin Clive MakepeaceFinance Directorclive.makepeace@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1609Mobile: +44 7767 495 294 Christine WheatleyFinance and Administrationchristine.wheatley@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 20 3077 1622Mobile: +44 7584 403 736 Carolyn MohanOperations Managercarolyn.mohan@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +44 (0)20 3077 1608Mobile: +44 (0)792 008 2002 Singapore Sale & Purchase Tom ShepherdSale & Purchase Directorsnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +65 6304 3155Mobile: +65 9862 0742 Hugh DunnSale and Purchasesnpuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +65 6304 3158 Mobile: +65 9787 7091 Rohit KumarSale and Purchase Assistantsnpuk@hartlandshipping.comMobile: +65 8876 8613 Chartering Jann TanDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +65 9652 2557Mobile: +65 9652 2557 Yu ChangDry Cargo Charteringchartuk@hartlandshipping.comMobile: +65 9155 1043 Chartering Operations Jesher ChuaChartering +65 630 43154Mobile: +65 822 34371 Shanghai Newbuilding China Wu YeNewbuilding (Head of Shanghai office)newbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 21 20 28 06 18 / 33 06Mobile: +86 1380 163 8965 Jewel ChuOffice Managernewbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 21 20 28 06 18 / 33 05Mobile: +86 1391 777 5395 Phoebe PuAdministrationnewbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 21 20 28 06 188 / 33 01Mobile: +86 1367 183 1831 Shuttle WangNewbuildingnewbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 21 20 28 06 18 / 33 02Mobile: +86 1860 168 2048 Zhongtian ChenNewbuildingnewbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 21 20 28 06 18 / 3309Mobile: +86 1500 098 1110 Howard ZhouNewbuildingnewbuild@hartlandshipping.comDirect: +86 (0)21 20280618 ext. 3302Mobile: +86 15021580627